Rings for Diana and Tasha
I’ve had the pleasure of making a set of two rings to commemorate the friendship of two architecture students on the occasion of their graduation. During my first meeting with Tasha, we discovered that the birthstones for both girls come in green- it doesn’t really mean anything, but it’s such a joy to have anything in common with a good friend! We decided that emerald and green garnet- tsavorite will feature.
I began by thinking about a design that might be described ‘architectural’ and in this process, I re-discovered the thesis: ‘Intimate Immensity’ written by Andrea Mina- a tutor from my studies in interior design. Having been inspired, I attempted making my version of a ‘small architecture’.
Attempting to respond to some of Andrea’s ideas, I realised that there are many differences between his work and what is to be mine- it's difficult to define 'horizontal' since my site (the hand) moves a lot, and the site would change when the ring is removed from the finger; my work must withstand wear; and I must communicate with my client what I plan to make. As obvious as they sound, they became key guides and parameters for me to design this work.
I gathered the smallest diameters of the particular stones, the thinnest drill bit and solder to melt at lowest temperature, and began making. I spent many, many hours focusing on a pinpoint, and discarding components that went 0.05mm wrong.
The two rings each feature emeralds and tsavorites hanging from the outer ring, which move and form various spaces with the movement of the hands and the ways in which they are placed off the finger. I was delighted when Tasha responded to my work with the word 'magical'- maybe I was able to somewhat successfully incorporate that enigmatic quality of Andrea's work!
Congratulations on your graduation Diana and Tasha. So happy for you that you have become such great friends.
Rings for Diana and Tasha
sterling silver, emerald, tsavorite